By Yingzi Sakura Huang (LinkedIn)

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<aside> 🌸 This wholistic Job Search and Career Growth Resource page will be continuously improved through curation.

I tried my best to label all resources that may cost money.

Some resources will show up in multiple places as applicable.

As the page expands, I hope this will improve accessibility to more industries and locations.

Please DM me on LinkedIn if you have feedback.


Table of Contents

The Job Search

Understanding the Job Search Process

The Job Search funnel, similar to the sale funnel:

The job search is a numbers game and an energy game. First, think of job applications in terms of the Sales Funnel - Are you getting enough leads that can turn into opportunities, then resume/proposals, then job offers? Many will drop out at each level as you finally get to what will likely be a very small number of job offers. Then, do you have the energy to get through to that one job offer that you will say yes to? If not, how much do you have and how should you prioritize?

The job search is a numbers game and an energy game. First, think of job applications in terms of the Sales Funnel - Are you getting enough leads that can turn into opportunities, then resume/proposals, then job offers? Many will drop out at each level as you finally get to what will likely be a very small number of job offers. Then, do you have the energy to get through to that one job offer that you will say yes to? If not, how much do you have and how should you prioritize?

Courtesy of Sasha Grinshpun and Catapult Circles

A reason why networking is important - Professor Mark Granovetter’s Strength of weak ties (Stanford) -

How to do all the people things of socializing, interviewing, networking etc.:

Career Paths

Figuring out your career path, and other choices in life (new book 10-20 USD, website has free resources) -

Returning to work after a career break and Returnships -

Software Engineering paths -